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How Many Mg of CBD Oil to Take

Many people opt for CBD oil because of a long list of health benefits it brings the mind and the body. The problem with this product is that healthcare providers can’t prescribe it, they can only recommend it. This means that they can’t really tell you how many mg of CBD oil to take. At the same time, the correct dosage is a guarantee that you get the most of your treatment while minimizing side effects. In this post, we’ll discuss CBD dosage and the factors that affect it. 

Taking CBD for the First Time? This is What You Need to Know

Most commonly, people take 20-40 mg per serving. At the same time, dosage is an individual thing and its range may vary from 1 mg to 100 mg. So how many mg of CBD oil to take then?

The truth is that each individual has to find their own optimal dosage. Some people may benefit from 10 mg while others require many times more. If this is your first experience with CBD oil therapy, we recommend starting with the lowest possible dose (a couple of mg, for instance). Stick to this dose for several days and if it does nothing to you, increase it by 2-5 mg. Wait a few more days to see if you need to adjust your dose again. Keep increasing your serving gradually until you hit the right amount of mgs.

Factors to Take into Account When Taking CBD 

CBD dosage depends mainly on body weight. The rule of thumb for low strength is to take 2 mg per 22 lbs (10 kg) of weight, 7 mg per 22 lbs for a mind effect, and 13 mg per 22 lbs for a strong effect. Again, this is general guidance and a dose and strength needed specifically for you may vary significantly. Your body chemistry and individual tolerance to CBD oil significantly impact the effective amount of cannabidiol.

You should also consider a condition or symptom you’re going to treat with CBD oil. If you need it for muscle damages, nausea, or PMS, it’s best that you stick to the strength range from low to medium. The same intake is recommended to support general health. Higher doses are beneficial for alleviating symptoms and conditions of anxiety, arthritis, pain, high blood pressure, and insomnia. In some cases like when treatment concerns cancer or epilepsy, you may need to take even higher doses, but only after speaking with your doctor.

Type of CBD Oil Matters

CBD oil comes in a variety of forms such as tinctures, extracts, topicals, vape pens, edibles, pills, and capsules. The trickiest form is drops/tinctures because it doesn’t provide a fixed dosage. Nevertheless, a manufacturer must specify how much CBD contains in 1 ml of preparation or a single drop. Normally, one drop will have 1 mg of CBD. We recommend utilizing this form if you’re an experienced CBD oil user and you already know your body’s reaction to the active ingredient.

If you don’t want to mess up with dosage, start with something more dose-defined such as CBD gummies (for low and medium strength) and pills or capsules (for stronger effects). Gummies normally contain 5 mg of CBD per piece; therefore, they are ideally suited for beginners and those required low strength.

The beauty of CBD oil remedies is that you’re unlikely to face harsh consequences when being overdosed. Nevertheless, if you continually exceed the optimal doses, you put the health of your liver at risk. That’s why you should always stick to recommendations provided in this post and by your healthcare provider.